Josh Potter-Efron teaching social work class

Navigating Health Systems

Designed for students pursuing health-related careers, this certificate will deepen your understanding of the health care system, enabling you to help your future patients decrease barriers to their care.

Available as

Become a Health Care Advocate

Learn to better navigate complicated healthcare systems on behalf of your future clients and patients. In the process, you'll also gain a better understanding of the professionals who work within complex healthcare teams — and develop the necessary communication skills to work with them effectively.

Degree Types

Program Details

Degree Types
Degree Level undergraduate
Available asCertificate
Eau Claire
On Campus
Requires a minor No
Authored on
Health Careers Center entry
Individualized Attention and Support

Are you planning a future in a health career? UW-Eau Claire is one of only a few schools of its size with a specialized Health Careers Center dedicated to helping you achieve your health career goals. We offer access to targeted programming, high-quality clinical and volunteering opportunities, and personalized academic and pre-professional advising delivered by our caring expert staff.

Student at career fair
Connection to Local Employers

Meeting potential employers and gaining a better understanding of the different types of careers available to you is a priority at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金. To help you explore career paths, we host an annual Nursing and Health Care Professional Fair, an on-campus career fair specific for those looking to enter the healthcare field. This event is an excellent opportunity to make connections and submit your resume for current and future job openings.

Facts List


Competitive Salaries
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the median annual salary for social workers in 2023 was $58,380.
In Demand Jobs
There is a projected 89,000 position increase in the social work field before 2030.
U.S. Dept of Labor 2023
Flex Content

Learn More About the Program

For more information, contact the faculty advisor:

Courses information

Coursework within social work, psychology, nursing, health care administration, and more will prepare you to be a well-rounded advocate for your future patients.

Here are a few courses in Navigating Health Systems at UW-Eau Claire.

SW 377

Self-Care in the Helping Professions

This class is focused on self-care, or the activities and practices that one can engage in on a regular basis to reduce stress, maintain well-being, and prevent professional burnout. During this class, students will examine the knowledge base related to self-care, develop skills in specific self-care practices, and develop sustainable self-care plans for use as professionals.

SW 490

Mental Health and Substance Abuse

This course will provide basic knowledge and skills necessary to practice effective generalist social work practice for those with mental health concerns and substance use.

SW 291

Special Topics

Issues of current interest in the field of social work.

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